Serving Neobanks

Speed up the onboarding process, cut down processing times, and reduce manual effort with PowerCred. Now, neobanks can streamline the entire loan process through our advanced and integrated platform.

How we help Neobanks

Neobanks today face a lot of challenges, such as fragmented data sources that hinder the construction of accurate customer profiles essential for risk assessment and lending decisions. Manual verification processes are inefficient and prone to errors, adding to the complexity.
PowerCred empowers neobanks with an advanced, plug-and-play financial solution to digitally transform their operations. Our identity and onboarding platform offers comprehensive data aggregation and in-depth analysis, optimising every stage of the loan lifecycle for enhanced efficiency and effectiveness. 

Our platform adheres to regulatory standards, supported by OJK (Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority), ensuring that neobanks deliver financial services that meet the highest standards of regulatory scrutiny.

Our services include:

  • User Onboarding – Accelerate user onboarding with seamless and automated processes.
  • Identity Verification – Ensure secure and accurate identity verification for new account holders.
  • Document Capture and Validation – Automate document capture and validation to streamline account setup.
  • Alternative Data – Utilise alternative data sources for a comprehensive understanding of user behaviour and creditworthiness.
  • Customer Dashboards – Provide intuitive and detailed customer dashboards for enhanced user experience and management.
  • Data Integrations – Seamlessly integrate diverse data sources for a unified and enriched customer profile.