15% lower rejection rates

Gain deeper insights into customer creditworthiness and make faster, smarter underwriting decisions with our small business data.

Get Enhanced Underwriting Services with PowerCred’s Data

Our robust finance automation solution streamlines the loan processing identity verification process, ensuring that only creditworthy applicants are approved.

Leveraging digital identity verification enables lenders to accurately assess the financial identity and onboarding of borrowers, facilitating precise evaluation of their creditworthiness. This approach not only enhances the efficiency of your lending services but also fosters trust and confidence in your underwriting decisions.

Boosting the Client’s Approval Rates by 40%


increase in
processing capacity


reduction in fraud-related losses


reduction in identity verification processing time
A leading Indonesian consumer finance company faced significant challenges in their lending processes, including delays from manual identity verification, inadequate credit assessment methods, high fraud risk, and limited capacity to meet growing demand. 

In partnership with PowerCred, the client implemented AI-based identity verification, advanced credit assessment algorithms, and advanced fraud detection systems. This enabled more precise risk pricing, contributing to sustainable and profitable lending practices. On top of that, the client enjoyed more streamlined user experience, which resulted in improved customer retention and positive feedback.

How Our Plug-and-Play Solution Can Work For You

Reduce Rejection Rates by 15%

Approve previously rejected customers and reduce rejection rates by up to 15% using our enhanced data.

Reduce NPAs and Fraud by 40%

Utilise real-time, authenticated data from 20+ categories like banking, e-wallets, and e-commerce to reduce NPAs and fraud risk by almost half.

Enhance Your Underwriting Process

Strengthen your risk assessment with ethically sourced, consented customer data and intelligence.

Build a Comprehensive Customer Profile

Use our APIs to access real-time, consented customer data and create comprehensive profiles for faster underwriting decisions.

We help you do what you do best